AI ChatGPT free – NEW UPDATES 2024

AI ChatGPT Becomes Even Better, Know about these 4 new features

AI ChatGPT, we just met 12 month ago, AI can talk better to you now and understand you, meaning in the computer world, ChatGPT it has become a very intelligent companion of yours. And let me tell you that now, Open AI The bright minds are doing something amazing again. They are introducing four new tools, which you are going to meet soon.


Come with these latest updates. AI ChatGPT walks into the world of, where things are getting more interesting and moving towards business. Imagine that you have a AI ChatGPT who just doesn’t understand you, but it actually works for you as per your needs.

Four new features of AI ChatGPT

Yes, Open AI is bringing GPT-4 Turbo, Copyright Shield for Business Users, a new Text-to-Speech API, and something really cool, in which AI ChatGPT Plus Users can create their own. I can make the model. Come check out these update highlights take a look at! 

1. Upgrade to GPT-4 Turbo 

GPT-4 Turbo is going to bring a lot of change! As you know GPT-4 Only Plus Users only for accessible and meanwhile now the company GPT-4 Turbo has announced, which is even better performance will be removed, will be fast, And it will be even cheaper to use. It April 2023 on data up to trained and can handle a considerable amount of data in a basic prompt.

Its Contextual window 128 KB belongs to, Meaning OpenAI according to “In a prompt you can type this 300 equal to page text” Will be able to give input which earlier only 3000 Was limited to words only.

And the good thing is that it is three times cheaper for developers.: every1,000 just for token $0.01 Of price Is, One token of which is equal to half a word. These $0.03 Cheap compared to before.

Over all GPT-4, Turbo Natural Language Processing is a significant leap in, whose increased capabilities It has a huge user base due to access Will be able to do.

2. OpenAI-Copyright Shield

OpenAI has decided to protect business users from copyright infringement charges. ChatGPT of founder OpenAI has Copyright Shield Launched a new program called will protect business users from copyright infringement charges.

The company says that if their customers are sued for copyright infringement it will intervene and defend them and will pay any legal costs. It OpenAI is an important step of, because this professional contexts generative in AI to and widely can help to use.

Copyright shield OpenAI all of product, as GPT-4, DALL-E 3, and clip will be available for. Program key fund OpenAI this will be done from its own resources and fees from business users. OpenAI has thought that the copyright shield2024 Will be launched in the beginning of.

3. OpenAI new text of-to-Speech API human-quality voice generates

OpenAI created a new Text-to-Speech API which has launched text to developers human realistic voice will help to transform into। AP I cost of $0.015 Per 1,000 characters and this OpenAI of AI ChatGPT APP will be available to everyone who uses it.

New API This is an indication thatOpenAIToBing Chat And Google Bard As competitors Feeling the pressure. AI ChatGPT – The largest and most popular in the market AI is one of the chatbots, But now it is getting increasing attention from other companies. Competition Is facing. Now this is the new text-to-Speech API There is a way by which open AI our competitors may show itself different from and it may be that this new users Attract also.

4. Now you have one of your own GPT will be able to make

Such a feature, Which may prove beneficial for future users., that is that ChatGPT Plus users in their own AI ChatGPT to trained is allowed to do. It can perform special tasks for you like smartphone applications., Like if you do any business then you GPTs to get the work done trained can do.

After this, These can be done through a link or a custom OpenAI Can be shared through the store which is scheduled to launch later this month. In GPTs to the makers of, if they want to sell them, So at least they should be rewarded for their efforts. GPT A portion of the income will be given, However, it is not yet clear what this amount will be.

In Last Words: 

AI ChatGPT In these latest upgrades of GPT-4 Turbo better performance than, Protecting business users with Copyright Shield, One Text-to-Speech API From human-realistic to generate voice and ChatGPT Plus Users can now create their own GPTs for special tasks trained have the opportunity to, thereby personal AI experiments The doors are opening for. So exciting times ahead development wait for! 

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